Saturday, September 12, 2009

If Glenn Beck were a pinko

.. Pepe would go all week-kneed.


Tecumseh said...

In the meantime, David Brooks goes all week-kneed over The Speech. Hey, Mr Rot, I remember a time when you were oh so enthusiastic about the NYT's pet "conservative". What happened?

Mr roT said...

I thought you fell in love with Brooks when he called Palin a 'rectal cancer of the body politic because she didn't go to Harvard'.

I remember it clearly. You had your Harvard sweatshirt on and your Harvard sneakers.

Of course you had your man-crush on Keith Olbermann then too, but then Glenn Beck took his place because Beck really makes heads roll, not just eyes.

Mr roT said...

I got it about right, I think.

Mr roT said...

Knuckledraggers chant name of devil.