Saturday, September 19, 2009

More waves of racism coming from the VRWC

Goddamn, I hate M Savage, but Breitbart's got something new...


Tecumseh said...

Why do you hate Michael Savage? Granted, he gets over the top now and then, but so do Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. It's part of the schtick. But apart from that, they hit the nail on the head now and then (they also miss now and then). All in all, better than a random MSM clone who just regurges the party line, no?

As for Andrew Breitbart, did you know he's an editor at the Drudge Report, and also helped launch HuffPo? I didn't know that, just looked it up. But he didn't go to Harvard. Rather, he went to Tulane. Hah! A man from Planet Rot!

Mr roT said...

Savage talking about wiping out all the righties is weird apocalyptic BS and makes idiots like Howard Dean sound sane.

Him having Breitbart on is a good thing though.

I bet all the pinkos are calling all their offices and seeing who spilled it in front of the VRWC youtube dope-show.

Tecumseh said...

Savage is not very disciplined at all -- he lets his mind meander, and goes off the deep end at times (Glenn Beck does that too, but he's funnier). Breitbart sounded much more like a pro -- and a real gumshoe, to boot.

By the way, does the MSM still know what investigative reporting means, now that they switched to being in the tank? When two kiddos on a string budget scoop them big time, they either ignore the story, or yap at the kids for being VRWC stooges. Perhaps Pravda & Izvestiya had a bit more class...

Tecumseh said...

There's Ivies and Ivies, but only one is in the Big Apple. Powww!!

As for Glen Beck, yes, he does look a bit retarded at times, especially when he starts rolling his eyes, or when he cries. He says he has ADHD, which I guess is the same as ADD, no? But hey, he's tenacious, and goes after those scandals that the pinko MSM would not touch with a 10-foot pole. Just goes to show you don't necessarily need to go to an Ivy League school, at least in this line of business...