Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama in 09 or you're an anti-Semite

Most conservative protest signs confront tax dollars funding big government and big banks. Real Americans forced to save the moneylenders! Think Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" or William Jennings Bryan's anti-Semitic overtones, his frequent references to the House of Rothschild. Just as tellingly, Obama is caricatured as a socialist--a philosophy long pinned on Jews. "Spread the wealth around" is said to betray his inner Marxist.


Tecumseh said...

Huh? Where's the logic, Mr Rot? That krautie beer is not helping you synapses. Try schnaps.

Mr roT said...

Read the article you posted, Dr Einstein.

Tecumseh said...

I skimmed through it. You think I'm so stupid to read such drivel from beginning to end? At any rate, where were we? So Bubba was the first black president, and Barry is the first Jewish president. Very deep. These guys get paid for writing such tripe?