Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.

We're now worse than the Italians, but Ralph Peters can see the bright side in a rhetorical question:

Will the Obama-Putin Act go down in history as the post-modern Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?

REGURGE for comment thread exhumation.


Tecumseh said...

Mr. Obama's instincts, tutored during his career with left-wing radicals in Chicago, instruct him that in any argument or confrontation it's always America's fault. If America could only mend its ways - or have them mended by someone else - the world would live in peace, harmony and love. In this world view, America must be cut down to size..

Duhhh. This is part and parcel of Pinko catechism 101 (you know, Mr Rot, unlike the Orthodox, pinkos do have a catechism -- it was written in 1848; but I'm digressing).

Tecumseh said...

Peters: And Obama got nothing in return. No Russian commitments on Iran's nuclear program. No sovereignty guarantees for Georgia. No restrictions on arms sales to Venezuela. Not even a bearhug. Ah. But cutting America down to size is its own reward, ain't it?

Arelcao Akleos said...

One day we will know just how Manchurian this candidate was. If we live through what is to come.

Mr roT said...

Hey, AA, you want to chat a bit on Yahoo?

Tecumseh said...

By the way, Peters' comparison to the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact is misleading. There, both sides were trying to get the upper hand, and both clearly got something: each got a half of Poland.

Now, of course, circumstances are wildly different. But, from a purely pragmatic point of view, good ole Vlady listened to Uncle Joe's dictum (What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable), and made out as a bandit. We got zip, nada, zilch. Or, as Lowry puts it:

There’s no indication that Obama struck a secret deal with Moscow for anything meaningful. He appears to be acting out of the kindness of his heart a week after Russia said it wouldn’t support tough sanctions against Iran or a timetable for progress on checking Iran’s nuclear program.

They say “nyet,” we say “da” — let’s call the whole thing off. As a political figure, Obama is famously aloof, cool, detached. In international diplomacy, there’s a cringing desperation to him.

Mr roT said...

Obama hopes Russia will find reason.

Ah. I see. I think Putin has used a fair amount on reason on this one.

Tecumseh said...

Kraut laments: what this is is a capitulation to Russia. This is an earthquake in our relations with Eastern Europe and the beginning of their detachment from the American umbrella.

This is going to be an historic day in the life of Eastern Europe. We have now declared that Eastern Europe — which had assumed that after the Cold War, had joined the West indissolubly and would enjoy its protection — is now in many ways on its own, subject to Russian hegemony and pressure.


Mr roT said...

By the way, Peters' comparison to the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact is misleading. There, both sides were trying to get the upper hand, and both clearly got something: each got a half of Poland.

OK, it's true that Obama has no interest in the US getting the upper hand on dick, but Russia sure as hell is.

This is a definition problem, Tecs. Obama is trying to get his base back since he's gonna lose on ObamaCare. He'll get the hard left back by capitulating on every fucking issue that has an angle of American interests abroad.

That's Obama's upper hand. San Francisco and Canbridge, not Gdansk.

Mr roT said...

Kraut's been linked already, VCP-boy.

Tecumseh said...

Kraut: perhaps, but I didn't check yet all the postings, and he seemed relevant to present discussion. So bug off, Mr Rot.

Canbridge: no, it's Cambridge.

ObamaCare, base, whatever: those are internal issues. We're talking here geo-strategy, foreign affairs, defense of the US and the West, NATO, Russia, Iran, relations with crucial (and faithful) allies, etc, etc. How can one screw this up because of some cockamamie, Rube Goldberg pinko schemes? What next? Hand Taiwan on a silver platter to the ChiComs to deflect attention from ACORN? C'mon, Mr Rot, you must be kiddin'. I hope. You are, right?

Mr roT said...

I am not saying I am agreeing with Ribbencrap, I am saying that for Ribbencrap, the pinko stuff is the point and those allies aren't any more important to help out than a bunch of malarial swamps in Africa.

Tecumseh said...

Ah. OK, I get your point now. Makes sense, though still hard to understand: why, oh why?

But the bridge is still over the river Cam, not Can. Although there are tin cans floating around, full of beer.

Mr roT said...

When Hillary was at Wellesley, she would cool her cankles in the Charles, right by Harvard in Cambridge.

It was then that the river almost reverted to its rightful name and became the Can, and because of the BU bridge, and took the name of the town downriver with it.

Goddam, do I have to tell you everything?

Tecumseh said...

Pretty good, Mr Houdini. You still owe me a Stone IPA at Bukowski's.

Mr roT said...

Nah, I'll get you a Murauer.

Tecumseh said...

Pryce-Jones gets downright melancholic.

Mr roT said...

George W. Bush is reported by one of his speech writers as saying about Obama before he was elected, “This is a dangerous world, and this cat isn’t remotely qualified to handle it.” That has the ring of an obituary. If only General Petraeus was in the White House.

But you and AA were pulling hard for Kerry back then, Tecs...