Monday, September 21, 2009

Toesucker sees through it

Obama has pledged only to increase taxes on the rich. But his program essentially taxes the core of the middle class (those making $30,000 to $80,000). It will make them overpay in order to pick up the slack for others who need the extra coverage. In other words, health-care "reform" is a health-care tax dressed up as a program to cover the uninsured. Duhhh...


Tecumseh said...

Per person? Barely. Per family? No way.

Mr roT said...

Right. Tax them to death, then treat them for free in a VA hospital. Sounds like a great deal.

Tecumseh said...

Pepean nirvana.

Mr roT said...

As long as a panel of experts decides when I croak, I'm happy.

Tecumseh said...

A depressing thought. Hey, why do you keep trying to depress me? You need to come up with something funny, Mr Rot.