Monday, September 07, 2009

Vision of things to come

All the old wisdom, the old reverence are going by the wayside, replaced by a brave new world in which we will be the same in spirit and outlook, committed to replace truth with orthodoxy, roughly equal in ability, neither successful nor failures, neither rich nor poor, nothing “exceptional” at all, mere happy cogs in the brotherly redistributive wheel—mouthing platitudes about diversity and being green, clueless as to their meaning, but clued in to the necessity of chanting such mantras. And given the President’s rhetoric, and the media as our new ministry of truth— we will be more or less happy idiots, as the old fades and the new absorbs us.


Tecumseh said...

In the meantime, the MSM hides under the table, in true Pepean fashion.

Mr roT said...

When I heard Obama in the campaign promise reparations (quickly retracted), and more victimization studies, I knew where we were headed: namely, that we have someone like the Chairman of the Ethnic Studies Department or the Head of the Sociology Department now running the country.

Mr roT said...

I decided to regurge this article because it's a good catalog of Obama's messes.

Tecumseh said...

How long will the catalog get over time?

Mr roT said...

HOpefully no longer than 4 years' worth, but that could be very long.