Friday, September 18, 2009

Yes, we all miss Clinton


Tecumseh said...

The discreet charm of AmeriSoc agitprop.

Mr roT said...

"Opponents of Change."

SOunds pretty damned criminal!

Tecumseh said...

Rain hellfire and brimstone on them! Sounds only fair. By the way, note the matter-of-fact tone of the article:

The website is part of a larger, more aggressive approach taken by the White House through the DNC to push back against smears, distortions and misinformation.

No indication that those are "smears, etc" from the point of view of Pepean logic, not necessarily in absolute terms. Pravda lives!

Mr roT said...

I wonder where your arch-nemesis Palin is in all this, Tecs.


Hey, my new dept puts out French red wine and lox (they spell it lachs) and prosciutto and salami every Friday.

How come you cheap shits never did that?