Friday, September 03, 2010

Kraut challenges a basic Rotter axiom


Mr roT said...

That axiom being that there's no such thing as treason, I suppose you mean.

Actually this is interesting. McChrystal didn't say anything worse than the "sustenance" guy, now did he? He was stupid about it.

Anyway, I think insulting Jimmah Obama is simply telling the truth and the voters were treasonous to vote him in.

I think it's time to start mass deportations, Tecs, and I remember your feelings toward McCain and Palin, which never would have given such a dumbass speech nor would have been accused by military brass of treasonous actions.

Tecumseh said...

What you forget is that McCain ran an atrocious campaign -- following exactly the blueprint you laid out for him. When are you gonna fess up that it's all your fault?

Mr roT said...

You thought that by calling Obama an imam the GOP would win. Brilliant, Prof Rove.