Monday, September 06, 2010

Life really sucks


Mr roT said...

Married life is worse than war. This has been known since the first war.

Tecumseh said...

Still, this story must be up there in this particular Hades. Going to war, fighting mano-a-mano with AQ and assorted crazies, then coming back home only to be blasted to kingdom come by the missus? C'mon, Herr Rot, you must agree: even by the very low standards you and I apply, this is a tad bad.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hey, this sort of this bad stuff has been happening ever since Agamemnon.
Meaning? Meaning that life has really sucked for a very long time.

Mr roT said...

AA, I think Tecs is one of these touchy-feely pinko feminist types that think marriage is like "good" or something.

Kool-Aidsville, Pinkochusetts, PSA.