Friday, September 17, 2010

Pepean GUT


Tecumseh said...

I'll accept RotGUT in lieu of VCP.

Mr roT said...

Well, with an idiotic title like that, Tecs, how in the world was I supposed to know I should click through?

Also, not to kvetch like certain OJ-irrigated travelers, but when you post so many times while I am sleeping that the bottom post is 3 pages down, it really is a lot to ask that I keep current.

In fact, perhaps you owe me a VCP.

Tecumseh said...

1. My title was quasi-brilliant.

2. I'd also posted a follow-up (clickable) link.

3. How would know when you sleep? From what I can tell, you're chasing mountain goats, listening to fruity \lessim talks, and quaffing beer 24/7.

4. So make the damn columns longer. And learn how to scroll.

5. I owe you a VCP? You gotta be kiddin' me.

Mr roT said...


Mr roT said...
