Friday, March 11, 2011

Pepe Sings La Versaillaise

Further Above the Peasantry

Ever Haute-ier Than Thou

Grander Gourmet for the Glam

Coming Soon: The New and Improved Versaillean


Arelcao Akleos said...

"Of course, there are ways to define the Overclass other than that used by Lind. It seems to many Americans that the Overclass consists of people who, for instance, think their countrymen are superstitious bigots. One could also say that the Overclass think all social problems are fundamentally economic. The Overclass think that income redistribution will spin straw into gold. The Overclass think they know exactly to what good purposes other people's money can be put. The Overclass think that ethics can be permanently separated from religion. The Overclass think that their country is in relative decline to the rest of the world, and are heartened by the fact. The Overclass have seen the film "Blade Runner" so many times they mistake it for prophecy. The Overclass look on the prospect of other people's immiseration as an opportunity.

How would this Overclass do in Lind's next America? I think they would do just fine.

Mr roT said...

Whoa, AA gone full cawmniss! The ends touch!

Tecumseh said...

Are you sure about Pepe living in a mansion in Malibu? My mental image of him is walking jauntily down the levee, with a beret stuck on his head, and a baguette under his arm, staring at the big river flowing by, while reliving the glory days at Chez Panisse in Berkeley.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Versaille, Tecumseh, is that universal endpoint of history towards which all the play of the dialectic over the material inexorably marches. As in all global principles, the manifestation of Versaille is seen through the prism of the local condition--but global it is.

i.e. Malibu Penn, Bzerkeley Pepe, Chicago Rahm, Michigan Mikey, Crimson Teddy, Ely Kerry, never mind The Obamaklean One, are all easily seen as bound to the Versaillean principle--even as they are also easily seen as swine each with their own distinctive local characteristics.

And what is true for these uber-local examples is just as true for truly global examples. Obama gits Queer-Dafty, and Mikey gits Al-Qaeda, and the cadres at NPR git Andropov's Pravda, and Krugman's Reich gits the Red Mandarins of Beijing, and Jesse Jackson gits Kim Jong Il, and the head of NOW gits the head of the Islamic Brotherhood, and on for near forever in this gittin for later shittin of kindred spirits of one great and universal Versaillean commandment: there is the Overclass, there are the Little People, and unto the end of damn it is the purpose of the Overclass to shit upon the Little People; just as it is the purpose of the Little People to plaster on a fake smile through that shit, and get back to slaving away for the Greater Good that is the Overclass

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rot, read the quote from the article which is the first comment posted. The author of the article is very much critical of, openly contemptuous of, the thesis of the book he is reviewing. Precisely because the book, in the author's view, fails to see what the Overclass, what Versailles, really is. And how it will flourish in Lind's "New America".
Now go back to the Wienery from which you came, Mr. Versailles, and as you spin straw into gold be heartened that our country is in relative decline to the rest of the world.

Mr roT said...

I'll read more carefully in a bit, AA, sorry. I am juggling several threads at the moment.

Tecumseh said...

Excuses, excuses, Herr Rot. Try learning how to walk and chew gum at the same time, willya?

Mr roT said...

It's "fart and chew gum" Tecs. Read yer history.

Mr roT said...

BTW, check Mr T today and pay up.