Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mr Rot, on the other hand, is drinking ouzo

.. while thinking it's still 1998, and I'm teaching him what the internets are.


Mr roT said...

They're formidable alright. About like AA after two weeks of vinho verde and bacalhau, he looks like shit.

Tecumseh said...

How would you know?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Both links are to the same article?

Tecumseh said...

Oopsie--fixed. Of course, Mr Rot never clicks on my links, so he never catches my boo-boos.

Mr roT said...

The soft bigotry of low expectations, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but AA has higher expectations of me, so he checks on my links. I appreciate that. Constructive criticism is always welcome. The rotter criticism is the one I'm less of a fan (of).

Tecumseh said...

It's more like, cheapo Frog wine that does it to me.