Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tecs' nightmare woman kneecaps Romney

...and she's right. Also, she's got more character than anyone running.


Mr roT said...

More: Alex Castellanos, a GOP strategist, said Palin may have already decided that, while her goal is to defeat Obama, she is not the candidate to do it. Instead, she is choosing a role between “everything and nothing,” a role as an energizer. Her challenge, he said, is not whether to run but whether to lead.


This is what Coulter said. I think she's right.

Best that Palin can do, since she's not electable, is make the ones that are electable accountable.

Kicking squishes like Romney and Huntsman in the balls will be her job because the Dems won't do it.

Tecumseh said...

What she says is basically tautological. Doesn't mean it's trivial--the two concepts are distinct, a notion that even Der Rotter probably can grasp.

Mr roT said...

Point is that you are in thrall to guys that don't get tautologies.

Remember Kerry?

He didn't even know that you have to win.

Sin #1. The hat.