Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rot expresses reservations about parallel-parking prowess


Mr roT said...

Define "parallel" without a differential equation, Tecs!

Tecumseh said...

Look up Euclid's book.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Now Saudi men are planning to put a stop to the fight for women's rights by beating female drivers until they give up."

That's a downright Rotten argument.

Mr roT said...

Does it work or is it like some \cd?

Mr roT said...

PDE it is, says I, regardless of the high philosophin' here:

What we call a straight line in astronomy is simply the path of a ray of light. If, therefore, we were to discover negative parallaxes, or to prove that all parallaxes are higher than a certain limit, we should have a choice between two conclusions: we could give up Euclidean geometry, or modify the laws of optics, and suppose that light is not rigorously propagated in a straight line. It is needless to add that every one would look upon this solution as the more advantageous. - Nancy Poincaré

Tecumseh said...

What does this have to do with beating up on parallel-parkers?