Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pepe's Dreyfus Affair drags on

The French have always known that their Revolution changed comparatively little to a system sharply divided between the rulers and the ruled. Whenever they complain of this state of affairs, they are branded “populists,” and if the complaints grow louder, someone will eventually warn of the “temptation of the Extreme Right.”

In other news: Our tax dollars hard at work. Duhhh.


Mr roT said...

Between the privileged shits and the dipshit women, it's hard to choose a side.

Perhaps the correct take is to blame Tecs for everything.

After all, it's all his fault.

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but who's gonna pay for DSK's golden parachute? I think it;s only fair you take the lion's share of the tab. The tab.