Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fire and Brimstone from a Fruity Anglican


My Frontier Thesis said...

This guy ought to spend a bit more time in America to hone his arguement. Until then, his generalizations aren't even worth our time.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Snap-take of mft after reading JJ's remark:

Rubbing temples with left middle finger and thumb, looking down at desk, muttering "Jesus..."

Mr roT said...

Jesus has no opinion on Anglicans anymore...

Tecumseh said...

What's Anglicanism? Some kind of sect that broke off from the Catholic Church so as to let Henry the VIIIth gallivant and chop off heads to his heart's content? Why should I pay attention to their élucubrations?

Arelcao Akleos said...

There is no reason why you should, AI. Except of another reminder of the intellectual and moral emptiness of so much of current Christendom. This nonbeliever was banking on the Christers leading the charge for making a world safe for the neck of nonbelievers, but the bastards got all dhimm-witted on me.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Outstanding modifier, AA (seriously). The metaphysicians of the Western world are -- how does the cliché run? -- secularly and spiritually bankrupt.

Time to revisit Edward Gibbon. I even recall JJ lauding him.

Tecumseh said...

Let's not mix up everyone in Christendom in that mush. There must still be a few macho muchachos out there, ready to thrust the lance of Saint George, or swing the hammer of Charles Martel. Or maybe not...

My Frontier Thesis said...

There likely is, AI, but it doesn't make for controversial news (therefore doesn't get reported). Or when it does get reported, they are biggots, or whatever.

The Divine should be left for individuals to contemplate on their own, rather than violently projected onto others. Queen Elizabeth didn't want to pry into men's souls for that reason.