Friday, November 30, 2007

Sorry about the implications for a Kerry presidency, AA


Tecumseh said...

Kraut the Hammer lays it out very well. Now, what are the chances that the Squire of Louisbourg Square will eat crow? Don't forget the ketchup.

Mr roT said...

Will anyone pay up on the bets?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I'm curious, JJ, what are these bets you're referring to? Was there some sort of secret wager on the progress of stem cell biotechnology?

Mr roT said...

Yes, there was, AA. Your claim was that a Kerry-McCain ticket would be better than Bush-Cheney redux. Now that Petraeus is in charge and we can go on to new medical science without cutting up our kids on our behalf, it seems that there was no need to endure Kerry's presidential bloviations for (at least and at most) 4 years.

Tecumseh said...

Are those (\ge & \le), or (> & <)?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hmmm, so JJ is saying that McCain in charge of the "WOT" implies stem cell technology would stagnate? That was the wager?

Tecumseh said...

Impenetrable are the ways of JJ.

Mr roT said...

Everyone outta my butt! I be impenetrable!