Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ted Turner's 26,300-acre purchase, and the Paranoia that follows...

...yet another one. It has the Nebraskans and ranchers across the plains a bit concerned (even paranoid): why does Turner need 2 million acres?

Ranchers have a lot of time to think (not much to watching cattle graze).

Interesting conspiracy theories (keep in mind, they are conspiracy theories).

Note: the Ogalala Aquifer (mentioned in the article) -- stretching from southern South Dakota through to Texas -- is one of the reasons Americans have such an abundance of food.


Arelcao Akleos said...

His Lordship requires much vastness between his own Excellence and the sordid peasant masses.

My Frontier Thesis said...

He swoops low with his chopper to see how his peasants are doing collecting shit, tilling the fields and such. We should feel so honored.