Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who's there, up in the sky?


My Frontier Thesis said...

What do you suppose the Romanians are smoking in that village?

Maybe that massive Russian oil spill already worked its way down into eastern Europe's water aquifer?

Tecumseh said...

More likely, it's all those tzuica in 2-liter plastic coke bottles that does it.

BTW, I had the other day moonshine wine made by some Romanian guy from Montreal, using cabernet grapes from California, and bottled in a 2-liter fake coke bottle -- not bad.

My Frontier Thesis said...

That's what I like to hear, AI. When the Europeans and Euro-Americans arrived in the Dakotas, they started making such things as rhubarb wine (which, if I remember correctly, JJ outright refused to partake in when visiting AA in Bozeman), and even dandelion wine. I've tried the former. I also had some really horrible elderberry wine -- holy shit that was awful. Another friend of mine declared it the worst wine he had ever tasted. I thought he was being a bit brash until I sipped some.

Mr roT said...

...and your mother smells of elderberries...