Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ten Little Native-Americans

Would this title pass muster with GPH (the "diversity training company")?


Tecumseh said...

And here is a "diversity training" video. Boy, sure looks like a growth industry these guys have carved up. What next? Diversity training camps, yes?

Arelcao Akleos said...

They have 'em already. Although I don't think Helga, She Wolf of the PC SS, will give up her off Broadway gig just yet.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Here's the url for one from ten years ago. I hate Illinois Bazis.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Here's the url for one from now. A shining Idiocy, from University to the House of Lords.


Tecumseh said...

Looks like the slippery slope is even more slippery than I thought. How many free thinkers will be left once the Sharia law crowd and the Diversity crowd complete their pincer movement? And then there were none, as Aunt Agatha used to say, before they pulled he plug on her. OK, I'm getting all Spenglerian, yet again. I think I'll have a shot of Grappa -- this stuff is frigging good, beats the crap out of tzuica in plastic Coke bottles.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Diversity is not a way of life for the Lakota?

My Lakota friends would be interested in this article. I'll forward it to one.

If this political correctness fellah/gal wants diversity, they should accompany us to Cannonball, on the Standing Rock Reservation, about mid-autumn sometime.

To preserve and continue the Native way, Elders gather with elementary school officials, and they kill a live bison the traditional way, and then carve out its organs. The Native children are encouraged to participate. They do. Then, everyone is givin the option to take a traditional bite out of them. They finish slaughtering the entire bison in typical old-time fashion, I believe even tanning the hide with the brains of the animal.

This might be too much diversity for the NAACP to stomach, though. Do they even know where Standing Rock is?