Sunday, September 14, 2008

Les loups se devorent entre eux


Arelcao Akleos said...

Rove and McCain are wolves?

Tecumseh said...

Funny. Though I never understood the Left's fixation with Rove, and the way they demonize him. If you watch Rove talk on Fox, he's miles apart from the pinko bogeyman they set up. The divorce from reality and feverish pinko imagination is growing exponentially. Will they ever reach an inflexion point, and switch to logistic growth?

Pepe le Pew said...

Rove and McCain are wolves?

Well, pigs devouring each other isn't quite as snappy a headline.

If you watch Rove talk on Fox, he's miles apart from the pinko bogeyman they set up.

A good crook looks like anything but a crook.

Tecumseh said...

Man, oh, man. The guy is a political consultant, what do you want -- Mother Theresa? He's gonna be a smooth talker, in the snake-oil salesman vein, but he's quite an ace at his trade. And, why call him a "crook"? Did he embezzle money, or something? Or is this the generic term of endearment pinkos apply to anyone standing in their way?