Saturday, June 19, 2010

Glenn Reynolds demolishes Tecs!

A great day to be Rot.


Tecumseh said...

Bill Quick: You know, folks like Noonan and Mort Zuckerman whining about Obama, after they praised him, pushed him, and voted for him in the face of all the evidence that led less besotted observers to see him for the empty suit he was, and is, leave me stone cold. Especially because these are the same snotty jackasses who arrogate to themselves superiority over those of us less “perceptive” folks.

He talking to Rot?

Tecumseh said...

Continued: I actually thank our lucky stars for useful idiots like you two. Without such, we might have been saddled with John McCain, and that would truly have been a disaster for conservatism, liberty, and America.

A bad day to be Rot.

Mr roT said...

Q (Rot): But why, for the love of god, couldn’t Tecs see it at the beginning, when it was no less obvious, but his understanding of it might have done some good?

A (Reynolds): Because he went to Harvard. Duh.

Mr roT said...

About Quick thanking his lucky stars... I think Obama is more of a threat to liberty and America than McCain could ever be and the survival of conservatism is irrelevant, as it is only a means to the survival of America.

Tecumseh said...

I agree on that. OK, OK, all in all it's a good day to be Rot. How about buying an Einsiedler, then?

Mr roT said...

I wish Einsiedler were available. The Pils though, not that other stuff with which they soil their hallowed name.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Drink your insidious soilers later, punked boobs. Precisely one of us saw Obama for the shitmonger he is, right from the start.
It is a good day to be Moi as much as it is a bad day to be the rotter who is tonight's catamite of the calcionistas.