Wednesday, June 23, 2010

`We're so screwed'

Hell, I said that a couple Novembers ago. Now it's official.


Arelcao Akleos said...

This has gotta please Harry Reid.

We've been screwed for a few years now, it just took time to get the full "Watch a Mosque Grown on the WTC While Our Soldiers Are Jailed For Bringing Guns to a Gun Fight While The Emperor Kills Off the Republic" riff to play out its last bitter note.
The Full Pepe is a Slow Stroker.

Mr roT said...

I still have my hopes for that mosque, AA. With the sudden rise in soccer enthusiasm, mightn't we also expect some good healthy hooliganism?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, the Droog and Hooligan gap is closing. But with Yankee ingenuity we can conjure up The, maybe not.