Sunday, June 27, 2010

Maureen "Tecs" Dowd

It's come to this.


Tecumseh said...

Finally, a soulmate!

Mr roT said...

Hey, I am stuck in Vienna a couple more days writing paperwork crap. Dunno if I will be able to visit you in P. You should come down to civilization when I get there.

Tecumseh said...

I'm here till mid-week, maybe you show up. Maybe I come up there in late summer?

Mr roT said...

You going back to Fagiolopoli now?

Tecumseh said...

Early on the first.

Mr roT said...

Che merda. I am moving out of the house in Wien for the summer right now. All upside down. Hate this nomad crap. OK, later this year then, but don't wus out on coming up to civilization. Food's not that bad.

Tecumseh said...

How come you never invite me?

Mr roT said...

Since they made me Dekan, I am so busy, Tecs. I just can't gallivant about like you, drinking ouzo and pulling for President Kurtz.

Tecumseh said...

This is calumny! Yes, I'm gallivanting about, hopping from one dank hovel to another--but I'm not swilling ouzo, but rather, cheapo wop red wine.

Mr roT said...

Get a better grant, schmuck, and don't whine to me!
You owe me like 231 hectares of VCP, in whatever pinko units you use up in Massachusetts, and you don't even pay up!