Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bankrolling American debauchery

America is a moat, and it’s filled with government spendaholics. You could toss a poor alligator in there, but they’d pick him clean in seconds, and leave what was left for Nancy Pelosi’s shoes.


Mr roT said...

Looks like Steyn can only tolerate Palin and maybe Christie.

Tecumseh said...

He likes gators, though:

BHO: I’ve got to say, I suspect there is still going to be some who are trying to move the goalposts on us one more time. They said we needed to triple the border patrol. Or now, they’re going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied.
HH: Mark Steyn, if you’re going to be a demagogue, ought you to be at least a little good at it and funny?
MS: Yeah, he isn’t really good at it. And he wasn’t good at it in the Paul Ryan thing, although I must confess, I did like the moat with alligators line. And I’m actually happy to be, for us to be the moat with alligators party.
HH: (laughing)
MS: I think that’s…what I don’t understand, by the way, if I was to take and entertain this ridiculous demagogue, and take him seriously, is they actually are building a moat, in effect, on large parts of the Canadian border.
HH: Oh, are we?
MS: Yeah, they buy up, any time a border-straddling property comes up for sale, they buy it, because they don’t like people having property that’s both in America and in Canada. The U.S. Government buys it and puts this kind of moat down…so we’re going to have, and you know this makes sense, Hugh. We won’t have a moat with alligators on the southern border…
HH: (laughing)
MS: But we will have a moat with alligators on the 49th Parallel.
HH: Canadigators.