Monday, May 16, 2011

Gingrich gives Obama another two points.

It's about character, Tecs, and Newt's character has been common knowledge for decades. Extremists are good for nothing, on either side. Bet yer arse that Wisconsin is groaning today, because Gingrich just handed Obama and the left a campaign commercial.
Thanks Newt, you fucking quisling, now get lost and don't reappear.
McCain is Churchill compared to this megalomaniac.
REGURGE: Eft Gingrich effed.


Mr roT said...

2 Newt, America has cancer. You can leave and divorce it.
Posted by: Tami at May 15, 2011 01:08 PM (VuLos)

Tecumseh said...

Jeepers, wtf is going on with Newt? Maybe he's going gaga?

As for the labels, where is "Et tu, Brute"? Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr Rot...

Tecumseh said...

While at it, how come you missed "Tecs' fruity think-tank" label? You no longer hit the soft balls, Herr Alz.

Tecumseh said...

Strange. I never thought of Newt as being opportunistic like that. Sure, an asshole, but a smart one. I guess I was wrong. Disappointing.

OK, OK, put a warmish Harpoon on my tab. When are we going to a bar and chew the fat, for Chrissakes?

Mr roT said...

Come to Vienna, Tecs. There are bars here. With Bauchfleisch on the menu.