Thursday, October 20, 2011

What back-up vocals are all about



Arelcao Akleos said...

Asymptotic ain't what you think it means.

Tecumseh said...

Asymptotic to what? This is too hyperbolic for me.

Charly said...

Isn't an asymptote a line that is never met by the function ?

Tecumseh said...

No, that's too simpliste. Eg, how about the function y=0, and the line y=1? The two lines never meet, yet I wouldn't say one is an asymptote to the other. You need something stronger. Like in y=0 being an asymptote to y=1/x.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Of course, for a \lesssim man, its all a wash, no problemo there.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, are you really bragging about knowing more 7th grade math than an artist?

That's about even with calling oneself a Romney Conservative.

Tecumseh said...

I thought you were saying Charly published in big journals or something. But of course, you emphasize one thing or the other to try to push your point of view of the moment, without minding consistency.

As for 7th grade 12th grade or Annals level, it doesn't matter in a sense: math is math, and it's either rigorous and correct, or it's not. No namby-pamby \lesssims with me, at any level.

Charly said...

Tecs - this was a thread on the stones...

Tecumseh said...

Right. But it got diverted towards another asymptote. So, what about the Rolling Stones. Is Mick Jagger still kicking, or is he in geriatric assisted living by now?