Tuesday, November 29, 2011

AA buddy gets slap on wrist

the attacks were atrocious but necessary for his campaign to defend Europe against a Muslim invasion.


Mr roT said...

Charly goes all law-and-order when the Ummah is threatened.

Tecumseh said...

Yep. Typical pinko double-talk. If this was an AQ guy, shooting randomly dozens of people, I can hear in my mind all the arguments Charly would come up with to defend the murders, and reasons to coddle the murderer.

The consistent thing that transcends all this pinko BS is the clear commandment, Thou shalt not kill. And, if you do, you'll have an expedited date with Sparky. Period.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Planet Pepe is so reflexively incapable of acknowledging Evil, because Evil is a brute reality it cannot begin to reconcile with its pathetic fantasies, that when an evil man guns down many score of children all it can do is chalk it up to its shibboleth of "Insanity", shrug its shoulders, and return to its Versaillean slumbers.
Keep on rowing down that River, Charly, your life is but a Dream.