Monday, November 28, 2011

In Dr. Pepe's Madrassah

If these were SBJers, of course, Charly would go all Apocalyptica on their derrieres. But then it ain't SBJers, for whom medicine entered the 20th Century in the 20th Century. Just Pepe's fave Green Wave of the Radiant Future.


Tecumseh said...

Ulululululu, says Charly, his mind reeling, trying to find some solid ground, while all those conflicting shibboleths whirl through his mind, like crazed bats on met in a steel cage.

Charly said...

If you are worried about getting access to air travel, maintaining a clean shave will allow the TSA to tell you apart.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Now that is quite a shrinking cranium non-sequitur,there, Charly. Almost Islamic in its embrace of the d'Evolutionary.

Tecumseh said...

Nice pointer Charly has there. How does he write on the board, though?

Arelcao Akleos said...

He has Manservants to play with his chalk.