Friday, November 18, 2011

The conscience of a generation speaks...

...and Tecs goes back to polishing his diplomas.
By the way, if Sarah were in power, Newt would be in a gulag. Sounds OK to me...


Tecumseh said...

Turns out, Newt backed the death panels. Jeez, guys, why don't we just give up, and go to Pitcairn Island?

Mr roT said...

Right. Newt's no big believer in democracy. Do we have any of those left or is this just Solzhenitsyn's script from now on?

Never been so bummed about US politics. Only one seems to believe in leaving people the fuck alone talks like he's unqualified to run a feed store.

Mr roT said...

Seems it can't be anyone but Sarah Palin. Anyone else get it?

Tecumseh said...

Cain tried to grab her mantle, but, jeez, what's happening to him? He keeps diggin'.