Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gingrich da pussy

25 years? They just got here!!


Tecumseh said...

“Newt is for a local, community review board where local citizens can decide whether or not their neighbors that have come here illegally should find a path to legality, not citizenship,” he said. “Two distinctly different things.”

Not even a uniform national standard, then? Huh.

Isn't the conferring of citizenship a prerogative of the Feds? Of course, when someone like the Governor of Arizona tries to stem the avalanche of illegal entry into her state, Rot (following to a t the pinko Party Line) is all for the Feds preempting that initiative, and of course sitting on their keisters, doing scat.

But, when Newt wants to have local boards decide on a matter that any nation state in the world assumes is the province of the central authorities, Rot goes all out for state's rights, nah, county's (or is that hamlet's?) rights.

It's all a matter of pure Rotter Logick. The conclusion is predetermined (under all circumstances, illegal immigration is the greatest thing on Earth, to be pushed at all times), so any action or statement is judged through that prism: if it advances the shining goal--good, if not--bad. And any other principle of fact be damned.

Mr roT said...

Principle? About immigration? Hmm, my principles are about other stuff.

Tecumseh said...

Rushbo decodes Mr Rot's plan: They want as many people in this country as possible that will potentially be converted to Democrat voters. That's what they want. They have to have some show of caring about it, so it's much less impactful to go after a company hiring illegals than it is to support a state keeping them out. Supporting a state keeping them out, keeps them out. They don't want 'em out. They want 'em in here. They'll deal with 'em once they're in here. Then they'll go after these businesses for hiring them as a show of having some interest in it, but that's all it is. In my opinion, it is simply just a show.

Tecumseh said...

And, by the way, note how Mr Rot never, ever calls illegal immigration, "illegal immigration". He simply refers to it as "immigration", conflating it with a perfectly legal activity, namely, legal immigration.

Sneaky, sneaky.

Mr roT said...

Sounds like you attach principle to legality then.


Seems to me that if Barney Frank passes a bill, the principle is immediately suspect.

Tecumseh said...

Not quite: there are laws and laws. Some reflect bedrock principles of human morality, such as, "Thou shalt not kill", or explicit injunctions in the Constitution while some simply reflect the latest fad in politics, or the latest reading of the tea leaves from the penumbras of the Constitution.

The law is the law, but let's not equate the former with the latter.

As for the principle that a nation state is a sovereign entity, which has the right (and the duty) to control its borders and the flow of people across those borders is quite a bedrock principle of civilization, as understood at least since the Romans, and certainly since the founding of this Republic.

Keep diggin', Mr Rot, keep diggin'.

Mr roT said...

So you think illegal immigration is tantamount to murder....

Mr roT said...

Citizens commit murder too. Deport them all.

Tecumseh said...

As usual, you got the laws all mixed up, Mr Rot: if a citizen commits murder, you don't deport, but rather, you set up a date with Sparky at Sing Sing.

Even basic stuff like this I need to explain to you. Jeez.