Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rot gets into sleep-texting

Pepper-spray those pesky texters!


Mr roT said...

You know what texting is, Tecs?

I'm telling our wife you've found a young squeeze, man; guys your age ...?

Tecumseh said...

Texting is like when you try to write an email on a damn cell phone, but without a keyboard, just some microscopic keys that assign to each digit from 0 to 9 a letter from a to z in a one-to-many fashion, no? Does anyone sane of mind and spirit use such an idiotic gadget?

Mr roT said...

Ones with repro impulse.

Charly said...

you need an iPhone tecs

Tecumseh said...

Does it come with a keyboard?

Tecumseh said...

Now, now, Mr Rot--why would you fight with that net?