Monday, May 21, 2007

Run, Francois, Run

From a Dojo site comes this insight into the brave practice of "La Savate", France's own magnificent contribution to the martial arts.

" There are basicaly three stance in Savate : "Assaut", where we learn evasions, running, and the art of "escaping" a fight, "Technique", where we lear how to strike at certain moments to knock down the openement In order to defend, and "Assomoir" ("to stun") kindly the most openly discussed stance where we duel against a oponement till K.O. Personaly, I did use Savate in real life, a thug wanted to "use my credit card" With a knife! But i mostly used the "Assaut" stance in that one..."

as for we Lusos, we have a more modest contribution to the martial arts, "O Vinheiro". It, like La savate, has three stances.
First, you stomp like a graper on the head of the purple bastards [preferably a Castilian variety] until the red juices flow.
Second, collect the red juices in barrels, let age, cleanse feet in the crystal waters of O Rio Douro.
Sit back for a feast of ameijoadas na cataplana, break good bread, open an aged bottle of the red juices, and drink long and deeply as you hear the lamentations of the bastards women.

Is there a Romanian proverb to describe this Luso-Gaulo lack of concord on the martial arts?

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