Monday, August 06, 2007

Free Persuasion in Planet Pepe's Agora

Bah, those Greeks with their puerile Agoras and Academies and Lyceums. You want to know how to convert people to your side? Follow the stench of Le Pewism.


Tecumseh said...

The terror chieftain told WND the West can learn from his group's Islamic values.

"Here I refer to what was said in the early '90s by Britain's Prince Charles at Oxford University. He spoke about Islam and its important role in morality and culture. He said the West must learn from Islam how to bring up children properly and to teach them the right values."

Aha, so Bonnie Prince Chuck gives Hamas cover to impose Sharia law. It all figures.

Pepe le Pew said...

I've been desperately trying to get kidnapped & converted by amazon women for years without any success. Some people have all the luck.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe the Skewered twists like a Nawlins whore with too much okra in her gumbo