Sunday, August 05, 2007

Recalling a Proud Day for Planet Pepe

Ah, we should thank Le Pews favorite currently alive murderous Red thug for such precious memories


Pepe le Pew said...

''We were doing what we are supposed to do as activists,'' says Basulto.

The Feb. 24 events are recreated with scenes of three Cessnas navigating in the solitude of the vast Caribbean waters, unaware of the approaching MiGs. Menacing 3D radar screen animations trace the tracks of the Cessnas and the fighters.

The soundtrack is actual cockpit recordings. After graciously greeting a Havana air controller, Basulto takes the course closest to Havana, skirting the 12-mile limit of Cuba's territorial waters.

I have but a vague recollection of this non-event, but am wondering whether you'd be screaming like a bunch of old maids if cuban activists bent on spreading stalinism in the US, after being repeatedly told to stop dropping commie propaganda leaflets on Miami, were shot down by F16s off of the Fla Keys. Somehow I can't picture any of you having hot flashes over such a story.

Tecumseh said...

Strawman, Pepe: one does not spread stalinism (or jihadism, for that matter), by spreading leaflets from a prop plane. There are other, more insidious ways, but I kind of doubt you'd recognize them even if they hit you in the face...

Pepe le Pew said...

my point, ai, was that under the exact same circumstances the US would have behaved in exactly the same way and you would have thought it fine.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh, no, the United States would not have shot down a cuban plane preaching Pepespeak. Think, Pepe, think. You're still spouting that Pepespeak. If we were like your fave Red Patch Boy, Castro, you would be long rotting six feet under.

Pepe le Pew said...

the us wouldn't have shot down a cuban plane who was repeatedly warned not to fly over us soil & preach pepespeak? maybe the next administration wouldn't.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh, no, we wouldn't. We haven't even shot down, at least before 911, enemy military aircraft which flew over our territory. Never mind a fucking civilian rotoblader. Now go back to kissing your sweet patootie that we aren't like that sicko thug Castro you service so enthusiastically in your wetdreams

My Frontier Thesis said...

It's this kind of dialogue between Pepe, AI, and AA that I've missed, fellahs. Still wondering where JJ went...

Arelcao Akleos said...

If he's been keeping track of things, maybe right now he is consoling a certain "wrong kind of white" British buxomy lass?

Pepe le Pew said...
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Pepe le Pew said...

last I heard he needed assistance translating into french what clearly amounted to the least effective pick up line one could possibly imagine. the romantic equivalent of a kamikaze, if you will. I predict a rather dull summer for our common friend.

My Frontier Thesis said...

the romantic equivalent of a kamikaze, if you will.

Yet even kamikaze pilots died for their own romantic ideas. Good luck, JJ, wherever you are!

Pepe le Pew said...

Even a drunken sex-starved nymphomaniac would find nothing romantic about that line, mft, You'll just have to trust me on that.