Friday, August 10, 2007

NYC Blows (at least last week)

A tornado brought wind and wrath to New York City last week. I know a couple touched down in the Dakotas during this summer. But for one to hit NYC is another story. Did you catch any of it, AI? Did the same storm system get over to your neck of the woods? Any pics?

Here's a write-up on it all.


Arelcao Akleos said...

In the Pacific Northwest all is...pacific. Seems like the rest of you guys are getting clobbered in one way or another

My Frontier Thesis said...

We're doing just fine with the triple-digit heat, the intense humidity, and the twisters that keep dropping from the clouds anywhere east of the Rocky Mountains. ...if you don't die from the elements, one can really learn alot about themselves (again, that's if you don't die first).