Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rum, sodomy and the lash

Planet Pepe redefines sodomy, and changes "and" to "implies".


My Frontier Thesis said...

"The public lashings have been endorsed by the judiciary as a way of deterring alcohol abuse at a time when it is on the increase among young men but some religious leaders are said to be questioning their validity, fearing they have an adverse impact on the country's image abroad."

In the multicultural sense, you and I, AI, just don't understand it from the Iranian point of view...

Tecumseh said...

I guess we're just being Americanocentric, or something. Quick, where are the re-education camps?

My Frontier Thesis said...

They might already have AA in one. Haven't heard from him for a while. We'll also have to keep an eye on JJ -- maybe he was in some type of re-education camp while away too?

Mr roT said...

No reeducation. I was in a bar. The lash part was unpleasant, but well worth it.

Tecumseh said...

Did you survive on Birra Peroni?