Saturday, September 22, 2007



Tecumseh said...

A poll earlier this year of more than 1,000 young adult British Muslims found that 36 per cent believe those who convert to another faith should be punished by death.

Paging Pepe. Houston, we've got a problem. Helllo...

My Frontier Thesis said...

The mark of a strong religion is not having to tell the followers to go out and slaughter others, and being obsessed with whether those others believe exactly the same as you. Muslims are sure angry.

On a religious note: I just picked up Thomas Jefferson, The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.

President Jefferson purchased a Latin, Greek, French and English translation of the New Testament, and over a couple evenings finally got around to cutting up the books, and repasting the segments to give a chronological account of the secular ethics of Jesus.

So far as I can tell, Jefferson had a profound respect for J.C., but naturally, because of Jefferson's Enlightenment/Age of Reason leanings, he had difficulty commenting on the miracles -- it just didn't jive with Human Universals.

Very good read, and one of those books that holds discussion and arguments that transcend the ages.

Mr roT said...

Nah, MFT. Strong religions adapt and go on killing sprees when the time's right. That Darwin guy had some theories about that.