Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Russian toys

Or, what to do with the oil money. It's all Bush's fault!!!! (Would Pepe say, yes?)


My Frontier Thesis said...

If I read the article right, it sounds like the Russians used Yankee aeronautics (C130 Hercules) to deliver the weapon.

Why not do the testing over those problematic areas in eastern and southern Afghanistan?

My Frontier Thesis said...

...and once you've seen one MOAB or Father of All Bomb explosion, like boobs, you want to see 'em all.

Mr roT said...

I'm shivering, y'know. The russkies have figured out how to get a lot of propane all in one can. They're great.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I used propane to grill up some Alaskan salmon fillets earlier this eve. Alaska salmon... Russia... propane... all in Dakota. Hmmmm... some kind of GUT just waiting to happen here.

Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

You mention Propane one more time, King of the Hillers, bad stuff happens