Monday, October 22, 2007

Bill Maher Deals with His Own Party Ultras...

...give it just 30 seconds to a minute. Maher kicks out the 9-11 Consipiracy Theorists who forward the delusional theory that the U.S. Government planted bombs to blow up the WTC and... yeah. Not even worth taking the time to summarize.


Tecumseh said...

Hey, what would have Doris Lessing said? That it's no big deal, anyhow? How come there is no thread on that Nobel-winning moron??

Arelcao Akleos said...

Probably because after Al got his, any other standard Nobelian idiocy just seemed so anticlimactic.

My Frontier Thesis said...

It might be beneficial for us to do an air drop of bullhorns and hard liquor on the morons -- you know, let them go at it against eachother even harder.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, I won't be home this evening if you try calling. Got some band stuff to tend to, and then off to the local pub: "Tapper Tuesday" tonight, meaning all tap microbrews are sold at reduced prices today. I'd be wasting money if I didn't attend.