Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Opera-ian Politics & America

Anne Applebaum exposes the absurdity, this time not in Russia, but America: the need for spouses of American politicos to moderately parrot their husbands (or wives) before national and international audiences. Of the recent "debate" that 5 of the potential first ladies had, Applebaum calls it all very Opera-ellian:

Applebaum: "The result? There was Michelle Obama, an impressive woman who has put her career on hold to attend events like this; Elizabeth Edwards, who gamely endures this sort of thing despite her cancer; and poor Jeri Thompson, who admitted to sheer terror ("I'm afraid of embarrassing Fred … you don't want to let everybody down"). Nothing of relevance was said, of course. How could it be?"

...but they felt good about doing it.

Nice article, Anne.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, good points. It pushes into that realm of "Guilt by Association."

For example, it would be similar to someone accusing me for being a monster because I drank beer and associated with jj.

Go Rudy.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Somewhat related note: tentative Rudy in Fargo, N.D. visit.