Tuesday, October 23, 2007


And counterhitch.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Marc Moore is sure good at quoting Hitch.

Moore fails to acknowledge that nifty Inquisition, and Hitchens fails to acknowledge the generosity and forgiveness that's central to New Testamentosophy.

I never had a problem with Jesus. Seems like a real great guy (do that wine trick again!). It's many of his followers that get me a bit worried.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I'm not so worried about the follower's of this guy Jesus. Those that are past the era of Torquemada that is. I've spent decades mocking their beliefs, dissing their guy, and generally making a Hitch of myself in their presence. And, damn it, the worst I get is words, words words.
Now the follower's of this guy Mohammed are, shall we say, much more about the Act than the Word. With far less interaction with 'em, I've had substantially more...how to say...."vivid" moments.
It really is, in the end, the hard truth of that old kiddie saw: "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me".
Islam is all about the sticks and the stones and the breaking of bones: not as historical curiosities or the rhetorical flair of an ancient text, but Live Religion in the Raw.
To anticipate a possible retort, yes I do realize that in the billion or so Christers on this Earth there are undoubtedly some who would prefer the Act. But, fortunately, they are unbloody rare. And, yes, in the billion or so Ummahites on this Earth there are undoubtedly some who would prefer the Word. But, unfortunately, as least as public influence goes, they are bloody rare.
Call me when Christer "Youth" decapitate infidel girls for the Holy Sport of it.