Sunday, November 04, 2007

Coanda rulz!

SriLankan Airlines insisted there was no danger in flying without a [5 ft] wing tip. It added: "They are purely for aerodynamics and to keep fuel costs to a minimum. There is no impact on safety at all. Safety is our absolute priority."

Hey, Coanda said that after the very first flight with a jet engine. Who cares about a little chunck of fuselage missing? Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!


Mr roT said...

Certainly Coanda had no idea that aerodynamics might be important to an airplane's functioning. That's why it took him a million years after the Wright brothers to get off the ground and it was as a cloud of smoke that he made it.

Tecumseh said...

A million years = a couple of years, yes? And he used a jet engine, not horse-buggy power and wind speed to lift him off the ground. So well, OK, he didn't fly long -- like, a few feet, maybe? -- before smoke started coming out of his ears, but so what? Powwww!!!