Friday, March 28, 2008

All the news that's fitna to blog



My Frontier Thesis said...

Are these excerpts from Obama's church?

Mr roT said...


My Frontier Thesis said...

How come I'm irritated by the fanatics in this video?

Tecumseh said...

Powerful movie. How come this has escaped the censor?

Arelcao Akleos said...

It hasn't. It's been bumped off of a number of Euro and Yankee servers. Wonder how long this link will last..
...Of course once it's out there, the underground can temporarily evade O'Brien

Mr roT said...

Post Article

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...

UN CHief diesn't get it?

Tecumseh said...

Sad, very sad. Dhimmania rulz! Here is Steyn's take on the takedown of that "extreme movie".

Tecumseh said...

Google still has it. How long before this goes down the memory hole, too? O'Brien is watching...

Mr roT said...

Sad yes, AI, but hey, we got the idea.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Well, if you say so. Incidentally, how long before RoP starts putting pressure on Google (and Youtube) to pull the bootleg copies of Fitna?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, we get the idea alright. If push comes to shove the West capitulates to Islam with barely a whimper.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA: If push comes to shove the West capitulates to Islam with barely a whimper.

AI: Sadly, we are beyond that phase. Not only the West capitulates without a whimper, but there are many who cheer the process on, and castigate those who even try to put a finger in the dike.

Still kicking on this end. I dunno. I've got some contacts on the front line as well, and they're continuing to kick ass.

Maybe you guys need a shipment of vagisil or something, you know, to sooth your irritated and depressed pussies.

Arelcao Akleos said...

At the same time our countrymen on the front lines are "sodomizing Sadr's ass", our compatriots in the West are busy vying for Lead Dragoman in the "How the West Got Snuffed" story. That is the problem.
There were brave and true Roman legions to the bitter end. But the disintegration of the leadership and culture of the ruling classes in Rome doomed their efforts to long term futility.
We are the keystone to the West, yet one of our two major parties is wall to wall led by those who either do not wish to confront the enemy or kinda like that enemy. The other party has, with a few exceptions, ruling cadres that are always intoning "realpolitik" as cover for "how to carve your own nicest piece of the pie while selling out your civilization to those who are its mortal enemies". The Baker-Kissinger school, in the end, is the Nixonian gift that keeps on giving.
Call me a pussy if you wish, MFT, but I've come to the conclusion that in 5 years we will recognize that the courage and quality of our armed forces has been largely squandered by a West that simply had no stomach for what it would take to win this historical fight.
I think we are at the start of what will unfold as a Tragedy not even the Greeks could have dreamt of.
I wish us all long life, but it will be a bitter feast in the end.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Not a pussy, AA, and I certainly didn't mean it in literal sense, just trying to liven up a life. Yes, I understand what's going on. Just trying to re-energize my friends on the domestic front from getting too pessimistic in the face of adversity. Keep in mind, the world has always been in a state of crisis. We gotta keep the arguments hot and the drink strong, though. If not, what's the point in living?

Now think bacon-wrapped shrimp (definitely haram), and get back into the fight! ;-)