Saturday, March 22, 2008

Quickie burger

The PC police is taking offense. JJ, ever the master at this, must have an explanation: what's wrong with a buxom girl riding a rodeo-burger?


Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

what's wrong is that the buxom girl ain't riding my burger.
What's that rodeo clown got, eh?

Tecumseh said...

So why is the Thought Police after her? I pine after Victorian England, they were more open-minded then.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Victoria may not have been easily amused, but she tended to let well enough alone

My Frontier Thesis said...

That a woman can expose her cleavage — cartoon or otherwise — shows the degree of liberation in Western Civilization. Now the feminists want to continue thundering against our Darwinian mammal hard-wired instincts?