Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tricky Spitz

At one point, Dopp said he had warned the governor that Bruno "will be p- - - - -" if the records were released. He said Spitzer angrily replied, "F- - - him! He's a piece of s- - -! Shove it up his ass with a red-hot poker!" Dopp said that during the same conversation, Spitzer "turned a little red and he was drinking a cup of coffee and as he was saying it, he was like spitting a little bit. He was spitting mad."

Clearly, Spitzer needed a break, and some soothing massaging. I can see now why he would pay good money for that.


Mr roT said...

fokken class act

My Frontier Thesis said...

During Teddy Roosevelt's trust- and monopoly-busting days, when he needed a break he'd head to the Dakota badlands for a bit of hunting and fresh air.

Tecumseh said...

Did he carry a big stick?