Friday, June 27, 2008

Martian Soil [?]


Tecumseh said...

“There’s nothing about it that would preclude life,” Dr. Kounaves said. “In fact, it seems very friendly.” Let's go there!

Mr roT said...

Asparagus? Should we ship the Hollandaise there or the asparagus here?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Dear Confused:
It is understandable how you are worried that the shipping of asparagus to Earth may derail your long held dream of shipping the folks of Holland to Mars. But do not worry. One can do both.

Sincerely, Critias

Mr roT said...

Dear Cretinous,
Only some Hollanders need to go, though Mars seems hardly the right choice. They seem to have enough of the God of War in their veins as it is. For them I suggest Abu Ghraib.
Kong Fuzi

Arelcao Akleos said...

Dear Dong Luzi:

It too is understandable that you would so think, particularly for one whose grass is always bending before winds. However Abu Grab-he is reserved for Ummah 1 interplanetary emigres, whereas the Hollandaisers you refer to are more ordinary cutters. In them the blood of the God of War has been thickened by an excess of butter and clotted creams, and they will do well toiling in the Asparagus Terraces of Mons Olympus.
How is Mo-Tea doing?

Sincerely, and Best Wishes, Callicles.