Friday, June 27, 2008

Not gonna happen

Teach kids math? (I mean, the real thing, not the pretend bs that passes for math in US schools.) Nahhh, says Pepe. Indoctrinate them instead in the finer points of the pinko ideology. That will do it.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh, you can go ahead and try to teach kids math. But that makes you a wrecker. Planet Pepe knows what to do with wreckers.

Mr roT said...

I wonder what AI means is real math? This? Look they should get kids as close to their first PDE as possible, however way possible, be it computers, pencils and sketches, or pictures from

Arelcao Akleos said...

Only a Wrecker would want kids to get close to his PDE.

Mr roT said...

what's a wrecker?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, how quickly fades the jargon of Planet Pepe in its infancy. A Wrecker was a term for those poor saps in the good ol USSR, under Lenin and Stalin, whose death was to be earned through the accusation of being behind some failure of some aspect of the most recent 5 year plan. If something hadn't gone as planned, well, obviously, some Wrecker was at work.
Last time I read something using this lingo was a sheet put out by ANSWER, Saddam Hussein's socialist "front" group, in Minnesota, shortly before the move into Iraq

Mr roT said...

interesting. the sdsomites didn't even adapt the language? they just brought the whole stinking pile from Beria's office and translated it word-for-word?

Arelcao Akleos said...

You mean ANSWER? Yeah, ANSWER was remarkably "classical" in its terminology. Hagiographic pictures of Stalin in its literature, juxtaposed with equally hagiographic images of Saddam. The lingo straight from 1930s through 60s CP USA imitation of the Soviet masters.....
Had some fairly big demos in 2001-2003 in the Twin Cities, Chicago, and other places. In Chicago, back in the 80s, it did many joint ventures with ACORN, this last which is now thriving in our Obama world. I get the impression that on the coasts it was second fiddle to a number of more nuanced and sophisticated pomo-red versions of the Up The Yanks brigade. Anyway, losing Saddam knocked them into Pepean mourning. Almost haples, were they.

Tecumseh said...

JJ: Yes, CDs beat PDEs any time of teh day. Gotta teach that -- diagram chase is more fun than solving a damn equation. Just give it to computer, and let it solve it numerically, big whoops. But can the computer do diagram chases? Hah! Powww!!

AA: Ah, wreckers and saboteurs -- the joys of the Stalinist lexicon. My favorite, though, is "laughing hyenas of capitalism". Can you beat that?

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Laughing Hyenas were definitely Chimpions du Jour back in the heyday of Mayday. There were some really colorful ones that came out of Mao and co. Actually, Pyongyang Radio can still put them out nicely, but today usually reserve them for their Korean broadcasts.
You see, there's our reward for ignoring their nukular arms, they tone down their rhetoric in English!