Friday, November 21, 2008

A good day for Versailles....

Latin America analyst Johanna Forman, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, described as "ham-fisted" a trip crafted months before the November 4 election victory of a more conciliatory US president, Barack Obama.
"It's more an in-your-face approach that may not resonate when you have a new administration ... The Russians are still fighting a war with Bush," she said.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Damn. Can't we ever get one Pure Bad Day for Versailles?

Mr roT said...

Not with Obama our pres-elect. You missed another killer day for Versailles here.

Pepe le Pew said...

You boys ought to save your energy - you have four more years ahead and you're going to run out of steam soon at the rate you're going. I do like you pathetic, but what good is it if you become apathetic in the process?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Bah, Pepe, you think you Aristos can gauge the strength of the peasantry? Why, even a bleu blooded effete Versaillean like yourself, with Kayla riding you on the back end while you straddled the Vichy Horsey, rode the Huffpo donkie, and opened up your lips nice and wide for the Dhimmi Ulala-la-ah-allah-akhbaring, were able to cheer on Ricain killin' for 8 good years.
We peasants can bugger the Barack out of the Husseinninies for however many decades it will take for the Imperator Obamacles to be dethroned, defenestrated, debunked, deposed or whatever de's are necessary to bring an end to the Rule of our very own PP Deo.
No Soup for You!

Pepe le Pew said...

you think you Aristos can gauge the strength of the peasantry?

Just because we exploit them doesn't mean we think about them.

even a bleu blooded effete Versaillean like yourself, with Kayla riding you on the back end while you straddled the Vichy Horsey, rode the Huffpo donkie, and opened up your lips nice and wide for the Dhimmi Ulala-la-ah-allah-akhbaring, were able to cheer on Ricain killin' for 8 good years.
this was truly beautiful. If only you could be this funny and give up the pompous professoral tone, you could be pleasant to read.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, though I disagree with your AAian aesthetic, I am impressed with your ability to look past the fact that this is a description of you getting multiholed in a homoreligious way and appreciate it.

Or are you homoreligious?

Pepe le Pew said...

your ability to look past the fact that this is a description of you getting multiholed in a homoreligious way

As passtimes go, this one's much more enjoyable than hopscotch or soccer.

Or are you homoreligious?
Isn't the first a prerequisite for the other? But I digress. Of course I am.

Mr roT said...

As passtimes go, this one's much more enjoyable than hopscotch or soccer.

I am sure AA is prepared to fight with just as much vehemence about hopscotch or soccer.