Thursday, February 12, 2009

I screwed up again.

And again.

And 123. And as a lagniappe, a little bit of Putin here and here in the US of A. New reversing even the good that Bill Clinton did. Ceding the last frontier.
Yemen disseminates freedom-fighters (I don't think it's permitted to call them terrorists anymore because of the fairness doctrine).
AA's shouts.


Tecumseh said...

Wow! I had no idea idea Gregg withdrew. Is he going back to the Senate.

As for the "I screwed up again" gag -- this is shaping up to be a classic, along "Who's on first". Is there any comedian picking up on the theme, are they all still in a pinko haze?

Mr roT said...

Abbot & pinkello?

Tecumseh said...

Who's on second?